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Mario Benedetti

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Mario Benedetti Farrugia (Paso de los Toros, Tacuarembó, September 14, 1920 - Montevideo, Uruguay, May 17, 2009) was a Uruguayan writer, poet, playwright and journalist, member of the Generation of 45, to which they belonged, among others, the also writers Idea Vilariño and Juan Carlos Onetti.

His prolific literary production included more than eighty books, some of which were translated into more than twenty languages. In his will, he created the Mario Benedetti Foundation, to preserve his work and support literature and the fight for human rights in Uruguay.

He is the author of books such as La Trugua and Gracias por el fuego, among others. Armored heart, Curriculum, Defense of joy, The South also exists, Let's make a deal, The formals and the cold, Don't save yourself, Tactics and strategy and Vice versa are some of his most famous poems. His simple language, so that his works can be accessible to everyone, in addition to combining with his own personality, has defenders and detractors...


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