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Pedro Lázaro Ordóñez Padrón (Papucho)

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Composer, vocalist and current director of the Orquesta Novel Manana Club. He began in music at the age of 7 at the Manuel Saumell school in Havana, specializing in violin.

He completed his studies at the intermediate-superior level at the Amadeo Roldán Conservatory in the capital. His academic training as a violinist may have been what initially motivated Pedro Lázaro Ordóñez (Papucho) to follow the path of jazz, a genre that always attracted him. But after finishing his studies at the Amadeo Roldán Conservatory, some circumstances and his own roots pushed him down a path more linked to bass and percussion that moves waistlines.

Popular dance music finally prevailed and then the idea of ​​creating a large-format group prevailed, including young people recently graduated from musical academies, with the idea of ​​promoting Cuban native rhythms more strongly. This is how Manana Club emerged, which is almost 10 years old.


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